Wednesday, March 7, 2018

3.7- Bell-ringer and Activity

Bell-ringer: Re-write the following sentences correcting any spelling, grammatical, and mechanical errors. 

1. On sunday anthony went to Nicks house to play basket ball. 
2. They playd a gam of one on one. 
3. Anthony maid 6 baskets, Nick made 7. 
4. After the game they whent inside to have snack's.
5. Anthony chocked on a cheeze-it, because he tried to in hale them. 

Today's Activities:

You will be completing two activities (only the first activity for period 5) on plagiarism. For each activity, you will be expected to write down your answers; these answers should be complete sentences. IF YOU FINISH THE REQUIRED ACTIVITY(IES), then you should use your time to research your topics for your argumentative essays. 

Activity #1: Plagiarism Scavenger Hunt (for all periods)
Using online resources, answer the following questions:

1. What is plagiarism?

2. What is unacceptable paraphrasing?

3. What is acceptable paraphrasing?

4. What is common knowledge?

5. How can a person detect plagiarism?

6. What, in your opinion, is the single best method of avoiding plagiarism?

8. What is "cryptomnesia"? Is it plagiarism?

Activity #2 
Directions: Consider the following situations and decide if an act of plagiarism has happened or not. Write down your judgment for each of the situations.

1. Ellen asks her supervisor at work if she could use the text of the training manual in an English assignment about proper sales etiquette. Ellen uses entire passages from the manual without citing her source.

2. A student makes an appointment with the family physician in order to get information about the common cold. The helpful doctor gives the student brochures about causation and treatment. However, the doctor symptoms the student that the material is copyrighted by the American Medical Association. The student uses quotations from the brochures and cites the source material.

3. Roger has written a paper on King George III for his English class. He then must write a paper for U.S. History. He reuses one page from his English-class paper.

4. Sara's mother has downloaded an article from the Internet on the market in Korea for computers. Sara uses the information from the article in a report for her economics class. She has lost the original article and does not remember the source. She does not cite the article in her notes.

5. Jared copies a painting of a tiger by a famous living artist from an art magazine. He then enters the art work in a school competition as his own and wins.

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