Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Argumentative Essay: Introduction

I.               Start with a hook (fact, quote, anecdote, or hypothetical question)
a.     Add analysis hook if necessary
b.     Use a sentence to transition from the hook to the rest of the paragraph
II.              Write two to three sentences of general background information
a.     Do not provide facts that you will be using later in the essay to avoid repetitiveness
b.     This is just to set the stage for the rest of your essay
III.            Write the thesis: The topic + opinion + three supporting details from body of essay

Introduction Example: The following is an example of an introduction for an essay arguing that smoking is a dangerous and harmful habit.

After 38 rounds of chemotherapy, countless surgeries, and decades of a persistent cough, Shawn wished he could have a conversation with his 14-year-old self. Within this dialogue, the 44-year-old would explain that his desire to conform to his peers was not worth the hole that now adorns his neck. Shawn’s experience with smoking is not unique.  As of 2015, over 15% of the American population was active smokers. Additionally, more than 16 million Americans are afflicted with a smoking-related disease. Smoking is a disgusting habit that affects the smoker, those in proximity to the smoker, and the world at large.

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