Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Argumentative Essay Rubric

(Below Mastery)

~Author employs an effective hook
~Transitions from the hook to general information
~The thesis statement effectively include all necessary components
~Author uses a hook, through it is not interesting
~There are attempts at tranistions, but it is choppy
~The thesis statement includes all necessary components

~ Author attempts to use a hook
~ Ideas are not coherently presented
~The thesis statement lacks necessary components

~There is no hook
~Ideas are not coherently presented
~There thesis statement lacks necessary components

~Strategically organizes reasons and evidence logically
~~Includes formatting (i.e., topic and conclusion) that enhances the connections.
~Organizes reasons and evidence logically
~Includes basic formatting (i.e., topic sentences) to aid in comprehension
~Organizes the reasons and evidence clearly
~Includes basic formatting (i.e., topic sentences) to aid in comprehension
~Limited or no organizing of reasons or evidence
~Unclear or illogical reasoning
~Basic formatting may be missing (i.e., topic sentences)

~Thoroughly supports claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible,cited sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text
~Throughly presents and refutes the opposing point-of-view

~Supports claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text
~Presents and refutes the opposing point-of-view

~Superficially support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text
~SuperficiallyPresents and refutes the opposing point-of-view

~Fails to develop and/or support claim(s)

~Fails to address the opposing view


~Provides a meaningful and reflective conclusion that supports the argument presented by  rewording the thesis
~Closing statement returns to attention getter or wraps essay successfully
~Supports the argument presented by  rewording the thesis
~Closing statement returns to attention getter or wraps essay successfully
~The main ideas are copied almost word for word from the introduction
~May be missing a closing statement
~Main ideas are not stated
~Essay ends abruptly

~Purposefully uses a variety of sentence structures
~Demonstrates grade appropriate grammar understading with minimal to no errors
~Utilizes a precise and sophisticated word choice
~Uses active verbs; avoids passive verbs
~Uses varied sentence structures
~Demonstrates grade level appropriate conventions; errors are minor and do not obscure meaning
~Utilizes grade-level appropriate word choice
~Uses active verbs; utlizes passive verbs at times
~Uses correct and varied sentence structures
~Demonstrates grade level appropriate conventions; many minor errors but meaning is not obscured
~Utilizes appropriate word choice
~Demonstrates no understanding of passive and active voice verbs
~Does not demonstrate sentence mastery
~Demonstrates a limited understanding of grade level appropriate conventions and errors interfere with the meaning
~Utilizes incorrect and/or simplistic word choice
~ Demonstrates no understanding of passive and active voice verbs


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