Monday, February 5, 2018

2.5- Bell-ringer, Speech Directions, Spelling Words

Select your favorite commercial (either from last night or from further in the past) and describe it. Why did you like it? Was it funny? Was it poignant? What was it selling? Do you think it was effective? What sort of argument was used: ethos (ethics), logos (logic and facts), and/or pathos (emotions--remember, if a commercial brought you joy through humor, then it used pathos)?

Speech Directions

1. Choose a famous immigrant to the United States. No two people in the same class can share the same topic.

2. Conduct research on this person. Write down EVERY resource that you use. Google is a search engine, not a resource. Wikipedia and other wikis are not permitted. A .com is less reliable than a .org, .gov, or .edu.

3. The following questions must be answered in your speech:
a. Who is your immigrant?
b. Where are they from?
c. What was life like for them in their home country?
d. Why did they come to America?
e. Did they come alone or with others?
f. What difficulties did s/he face in the move?
g. In what way was this person successful?
h. How did s/he become successful?
i. Did being an immigrant help or hurt this person's chance of success? 

Once you have completed SUFFICIENT research, begin creating the outline of your speech. Make sure to write down the different sections (which have been underlined).

Hook: What are you going to say at the beginning to “hook” your audience? This could a quote, or an interesting fact, or a captivating story. 
Thesis: The topic + a detail about this person's early life + why he or she came to America + the successes s/he had in America.
I.     Topic Sentence1: This should be about the immigrant's life before coming to America. 
a.       Supporting fact or claim (further describes or supports your detail)
b.      Supporting fact or claim
c.       Supporting fact or claim
II.   Topic Sentence 2: This should be about this person's move to America (why s/he did it, the difficulties that were encountered, etc...)
a.       Supporting fact or claim
b.      Supporting fact or claim
c.       Supporting fact or claim
III.   Topic Sentence 3: This should be about the person's life and successes in America
a.       Supporting fact or claim
b.      Supporting fact or claim
c.       Supporting fact or claim

Conclusion: Restate the thesis. Then write something that you would like to leave the listener with. 

Spelling Words:

1. mileage
2. transfusion
3. divergent
4. sculpture 
5. impending
6. throughout
7. cultural
8. despise
9. reputation
10. recession
11. astute
12. brutal
13. perishable
14. narrate
15. susceptible 

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