Tuesday, March 27, 2018

3.27-Bell-ringer, Non-Jewish Victims Research, Honors Research

Bell-ringer: Write an original sentence for the words below. Your sentences should be interesting, descriptive, and ten words long.
1.     Plurality-n. a majority
2.     Polyglot- n. a person who can speak multiple languages
3.     Pummel- v. to beat with a blunt object
4.     Potent- adj. powerful; mighty
Potentate- n. a person who possess great power

Non-Jewish Victims Presentations

With your group, you will be creating and presenting a presentation on one of the non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Each group will be assigned a different group of people. In your presentation, you, at the minimum, must answer the questions below. Additionally, you must create a visual aid as part of your presentation. I would suggest using one of the apps on the iPad to create a PowerPoint-like presentation. All presentations will happen this afternoon. 

1. Describe who these people were. 
2. Describe why they were targeted by the Nazi party. 
3. What was the population of this group in Europe (or Germany if there is no data for all of Europe) before the Holocaust. (For the people with handicaps and the LGBT community, write down the amount of people who were persecuted--not just killed.)
4. Detail the different types of persecution that was used against these people. This should be an extensive list. 
5. How many of these people were murdered? 

Roma and Sinti (Gypsy)- click here
Poles- click here
Jehovah's Witnesses- click here
People with Disability- click here
LGBTQ- click here

5th Period:

Research one of the assigned topics below using an i-Pad. Each person in the group will have one of the topics; if there are more than four people, then two people will have the same topic.  On a sheet of paper, write down the facts that you gather. You will have 20 minutes to research this topic. After you research, you will be the expert on that topic in your group, who will present your findings to the group.  

Make sure to write down the name of the website(s).
1.     Research Jewish persecution in Europe throughout history.
2.     Research the Jewish faith. Include history, beliefs, practices, and holy days.
3.     Research Hasidic Jews. Compare and contrast Hasidic Jews and Reform Jews.
4.     Research the teaching of the Talmud, the Zohar, and the Kabbalah.

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