Thursday, March 8, 2018

Argumentative Essay-Body Paragraphs 1 and 2

You will be writing three body paragraphs for your argumentative essay. The first two body paragraphs will be where you present your arguments (with the strongest arguments in your first paragraph) and supporting evidence. The third paragraph will be addressed later.

Body Paragraph 1:

Begin with a topic sentence that corresponds with the first supporting detail in your thesis statement. The topic sentence should introduce the main argument of this paragraph.

Then write specific evidence from research that supports this argument. Since this evidence is from a resource, you will need to include an in-text citation after each piece of evidence, whether it is a direct quote or a paraphrase from the direct quote. If your data requires further explanation to connect it to the argument, then provide that as well. DO NOT USE MORE THAN ONE DIRECT QUOTE in a paragraph. This section of the paragraph should be at least three sentences long.

Finally, you need to conclude this paragraph with a "wrap-up" of the argument, connecting it to the overall essay.

Body Paragraph 2:
Follow the same format for this paragraph; EXCEPT, you must use a transitional phrase or word at the beginning of this paragraph. Your topic sentence should correspond with the second supporting detail in the thesis.

BP 1: Many people believe that smoking only affects specific parts of the smoker's body; however, its effects can be evident throughout the entire body. While the respiratory system is most damaged by smoking, the habit can also affect a person's mood, hygiene, and cardiovascular system. According to "The Effects of Smoking on the Body" produced by Healthline, nicotine addiction causes a smoker to become anxious when not able to have a scheduled "smoke break" ("The Effects of Smoking on the Body" 6). Additionally, as anyone who has been near a smoker knows, a person's hair, clothes, and breath consistency smell of smoke. Finally, smoking can cause the blood to clot which creates a myriad of problems including clots lodging in blood vessels, aneurysms, and strokes ("The Effects of Smoking on the Body" 13). While many people enjoy the release and relaxation that smoking can cause, its adverse effects on the body can cause health complications and ultimately death.

BP 2: The effects of smoking not only impact the smoker, but also those in proximity of the smoker. "Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke from the burning end of the a cigarette and the smoke breathed out by the smoker" (McDockers 14). Those who frequently experience secondhand smoke experience many of the same symptoms as those who smoke themselves. More than 2 million adults in the United States have died from smoking related illness even though they did not smoke ("The Effects of Secondhand Smoke"). As with any harmful habit, children are most affected by secondhand smoke, experiencing nasal and ear infections, respiratory disease, and, in the worst cases, cancer. It is important for smokers to realize that their poor actions not only harm their own bodies, but also the health of loved ones.

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