Wednesday, March 28, 2018

3.28- Bell-ringer, Vocabulary Words, Etymology Activity

Bell-ringer: Write two paragraphs on the prompt below. 
Prompt: You have one more quarter of middle school left. How does that make you feel?

Periods 1/7, 2/6
The Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1 Vocabulary

Directions: write the following words and definitions; then create an original sentence using the word, draw a picture of the word, and write down a synonym and antonym for each word. Due Tuesday, April 3.

1.    Portly- adj. large and heavy; obese
2.    Mercurial- adj. quick or changeable in behavior
3.    Conspicuous- adj. easily seen or noticed
4.    Unabashed- adj. not ashamed or embarrassed
5.    Insufferable- adj. unbearable
6.    Meticulous- adj. extremely careful about details
7.    Fatalist- n. one who believes that all events are determined by fate or fortune (no antonym)
8.    Ostentatiously- adv. done in a showy way

Periods 3/8, 5
Night: Vocabulary Part 1

Directions: write the following words and definitions; then create an original sentence using the word, draw a picture of the word, and write down a synonym and antonym for each word. Due Tuesday, April 3 for 3/8 and Wednesday, April 4 for 5th.

1.       Expound- v. to explain or describe in great detail
2.       Farce- n. a foolish show or mockery
3.       Abominable- adj. repugnantly hated; detestable
4.       Monotonous- adj. lacking variety; having minimal inflection
5.       Bewildered- adj. completely confused
6.       Unremittingly- adv. not lessening; incessant
7.       Reverie- n. a daydream
8.       Waif- n. a homeless child or childlike person

Etymology Activity- 1/7, 2/6, and 3/8

Figure out which spelling word corresponds with each clue.
1.       This word, which means generous with money or volunteerism, is the opposite of selfish.
2.       To move to violent, unusual action or to shake briskly
3.       This word, a synonym for laborious, comes from the Latin word meaning steep.
4.       A point in time, especially a critical one
5.       To remove water/moisture from fruit to preserve it
6.       Combination of the Latin words meaning “to recall” and “mindful”
7.       Existing in one since birth
8.       “During the time of _________, alcohol was made illegal.”
9.       Bewail and bemoan are synonyms of this word.
10.   It seemed like my mother’s _______ ; she could know what we were doing without being with us.
11.   Synonyms of this word are pellucid and crystalline.
12.   In physics, this word means the meeting of particles or of bodies in which each exerts a force upon the other, causing the exchange of energy or momentum.
13.   This word can either be a noun or verb, deriving from a word meaning “comfort.”
14.   Has the prefix meaning “across” or “between”
15.   Meaning pertinacious and persistent

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