Monday, March 12, 2018

Body Paragraph #3

Body Paragraph 3 is where you will introduce one argument from the other side of the topic and then refute it. It is important that you present the other side's argument fairly (do not make it seem weak just so it is easier to refute). Use facts to present the other argument. Then, use your own facts to present why the other side's argument is wrong.

Begin with a transitional phrase or word that moves the thinking from your last body paragraph to this one.
Then present the other side's argument.
After that, provide data to support your side while also refuting the other side's.
End with a "wrap-up" sentence that connects this paragraph to the whole essay.

While it is abundantly clear that smoking is a dangerous and unhealthy habit, there are some that believe the "benefits" of smoking outweigh all of the downsides. One of these favoring aspects is that smoking helps reduce the chance of obesity; because nicotine can act as an appetite suppressant, many smokers snack less than non-smokers (Wanjek 5). Additionally, the damage that smoking does to tastebuds causes food to lack flavor, making the act of eating less enjoyable (Wanjek). While reducing the rate of obesity is beneficial, especially in a country where the obesity rate is nearly 1/3 of the American population, smoking still is vastly more harmful ("Obesity in America" 4). For instance, the majority of occurrences of oral cancer for those over 50 is directly correlated to smoking ("Facts on Oral Cancer" 12). Furthermore, smoking can cause lasting diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) and tuberculosis (McDocker 9). While smoking help someone stay thin, no one will find this person attractive if s/he is constantly hacking up a lung and missing half a jaw.

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