Thursday, March 22, 2018

Personal Creed Directions, "The Watch," "The Massacre of the Jews"

Personal Creed: Final
Directions: You will be creating a formal personal creed. All final products will be written on computer paper and in color.
On the front side of your product, you will be writing “My Personal Creed” at the top. Then you will list your ten “I believe” statements. These should be written neatly and be able to be seen easily. Also, you will be creating a colored design for the front. This could include pictorial representations of your beliefs, a border, background design, etc.
On the reverse side of your product, you will be writing an explanation for each of your “I believe statement.” To write your explanation, answer one of the following questions:
1.       What has happened in your life that has led you to believe this?
2.       How does having this belief affect the way you act or think?
The final product will be due on Tuesday, March 27.

"The Watch"--click here 
"The Massacre of the Jews"--click here

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