Thursday, March 15, 2018

3.15-Bell-ringer and Activity

Bell-ringer: Write the quote and answer the questions that follow.

"Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude."- Zig Ziglar

1. Put this quote into your own words. If you are unsure what some of the words mean, research them. Do not guess.

2. Why would attitude be more important than aptitude?

3. Do you agree with Ziglar?

Mini-Research Project
Next week, we will (hopefully!) begin a unit on the Holocaust. To prepare for this unit, you need to answer the following questions. These do not need to be complete sentences, but they must answer the question completely. Use your online resources to answer these questions; do not put what you think is the answer unless you have checked it with a resource. I will allow you to use Wikipedia for this project.

Pre-World War II

1. Who was involved in WWI? Who were the winners? Losers? You do not need to list every country; just the main one.
2. What was the Treaty of Versailles? What was Germany expected to do because of this treaty?
3. What does NAZI stand for?
4. What global economic crisis led to the rise of the Nazi Party?
5. What type of government did Germany have before the Nazi takeover?
6. Define propaganda. Give two examples of propaganda that the Nazis used.

7. Define antisemitism. Give two examples (other than the Holocaust) of Jewish persecution in history.
8. What were some reasons Nazis gave for persecuting Jewish people?

Adolf Hitler
9. When and where was Hitler born?
10. List three negative events from Hitler's early life.
11. Why was Hitler imprisoned in the 1920s?
12. What roles did Hitler have in the Nazi party?
13. Explain the events leading up to and including Hitler's death.

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