Tuesday, May 1, 2018

STAR Reading Test, Bell-ringer, Etymology

STAR--click here
username: student ID number
password: the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name (example: mine would be js.)

Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence for the words below. Your sentences should be interesting, creative, and at least ten words long.
1.       Resuscitate- v. to bring back to life
2.       Rife- adj. to be filled with (usually used with the word “with”)
3.       Rigmarole- n./ adj. nonsense
4.       Sagacious- adj. filled with wisdom
5.       Somnolent- adj. tired

Etymology Activity
Directions: Each of the clues below corresponds with one of the spelling words. Write down the spelling word for each clue. The spelling words are below.

1.       Meaning “to come between disputing parties”
2.       “Vindicate” and “validate” are synonyms of this word.
3.       From a medieval Latin word meaning “to feel”
4.       The ________ ex-boyfriend was filled with envy when he saw her with another.
5.       A future period of time
6.       Of or relating to health
7.       Before beginning our mission, Agent 11, we must ________ our watches.
8.       Synonym of “rapacious” and “ravenous”
9.       Do not move on to the next essay question until you have _______ answered the current one.
10.   From the Greek word meaning “beautiful writing”
11.   “Questionable” and “uncertain” are antonyms of this word
12.   One definition is “to promote, advance, or foster.”
13.   From the Latin word meaning “to join.”
14.   The British spelling uses an “s” where an American would use a different letter.
15.   Dudgeon is a synonym of this word

1.    justify
2.    calligraphy
3.    minimize
4.    thoroughly
5.    resentment
6.    intervene
7.    synchronize
8.    sentiment
9.    possessive
10.  junction
11.  indisputable
12.  sanitary
13.  encourage
14.  tomorrow
15.  voracious

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