Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Poetry Project Reminders

1.       The due date is May 18 for all classes except fifth period; fifth period’s is due May 23. I will probably not accept late grades since much time has been or will be sent on this project in class.
2.       Your goal is 80 points; review the Poetry Project Menu (found on April 27’s blog post). After grading the assignments that are worth 80 points, I will grade any extra assignments for bonus points. SO! If you receive a 70 out of 80 in the main part of the assignment and then do two extra assignments that earn you 4 more points, your total grade will be a 74 out of 80.
3.       In your analysis chart, each section requires you to answer the questions with complete exceptions except for connotation. In the “Paraphrase,” three sentences are required. In “Connotation,” three examples are required.
4.       You must have at least one poetry analysis (on an appropriate song or well-known poem) and at least one original poem (either written or spoken word). The directions for all of these assignments are on the April 27’s blog post.
5.       At least one of your poems must be about an aspect of who you are; if you are only writing one poem, it must be about you.
6.       For the analysis chart and either artistic response (reminder, neither of the artistic responses are mandatory), you must attach the words of the song or poem that is being used. These can either be handwritten or typed and printed. A deduction of five points will be taken the words are not attached.

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