Friday, May 25, 2018

Bell-ringer, Romeo and Juliet

Bell-ringer: Complete a free write on the topic below.

Topic: Pick one item from each list to make a creature and animal combination. Now write a short story or scene in which this creature appears.
List 1                                                           List 2
Vampire                                                    porcupine
Ninja                                                          armadillo
Zombie                                                       pig
Pirate                                                          goat
Mummy                                                     lobster
Clown                                                         possum

Romeo and Juliet... Sort of

N1: Once upon a time—
N3: What?
N2: You can’t start Romeo and Juliet with “Once upon a time!”
N4: Why not?
N2: Do you know anything about this play? Romeo and Juliet is not a “Once upon a time” kind of play.
N5: How about this? (dramatic and eerie) It was a dark and dreary evening. There was not a person in sight; shadows shifted in and out of focus, searching for their next victims.
N3: Oh, I like this. How about… (adopts the same tone as N5) the shadows were actually the animated dead, looking for their next meal of brains.
N1: NO! You’ve gone too far.
N4: I’ve got it! In the streets of the Italian city of Verona, members of the Capulet and Montague families were continuing a decades-long fight.
N2: Finally! Some action.
Tybalt: Ben Montague, I have you now. I will punch you square in the teeth.
N5: You can’t do that. We’re in school.
Tybalt: Can I kick Mercutio in the shin?
N1: Afraid not. Why don’t you try a tame insult?
Tybalt: Um… your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!
N3: That was good!
Ben: How dare you! I shall slap you with the force of a thousand angry grandmothers!
N4: Still in school.
Ben: Okay, then, you’re a poisonous back-bunched toad!
Mercutio: Very nice, cousin! Away, Tybalt Capulet! Looking at your face makes me want to vomit, eat my vomit, and then vomit again!
N2: This was a little bloodier the last time I saw it.
N1: Soon after, Romeo, our forlorn—
N3: What?
N1: Despondent
N3: What?
N1: SAD!
N3: Oh.
N1: Anyway, Romeo joined his Montague family members.
Romeo: My heart feels like it has shattered into a million pieces and no glue, no gum, no staples could put it back together again.
Ben: That’s a bit dramatic.
Mercutio: Romeo, you fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new.
Romeo: ‘Tis true. But this time it is real. Yet… yet…
Ben: Spit it out.
Romeo: Rosaline loves me not.
Rosaline: That boy is WAY too dramatic for me.
Lord Montague: Imagine being his father!
Rosaline: I would prefer a splinter under my fingernail.
Ben: Dear cousin, join us tonight at a ball being thrown by Lord Capulet.
N5: A ball? No one said anything about a ball.
Lord Capulet: Hear ye, hear ye! Tonight, I will host a ball! All are invited—except for the dirty Montagues.
N4: See?
N5: Shut up.
Mercutio: Join us! Perhaps you will find another girl to love.
Romeo: I shall never love again!
Mercutio: Yeah, okay.
Ben: We shall wear masks to disguise ourselves, so the snooty Capulets won’t know we are there.
Mercutio: Won’t they figure it out if we are the only ones wearing masks?
Ben: Don’t ask questions.
N2: That evening, the three Montagues went to Lord Capulet’s palace. Nearly the whole town of Verona was there.
Lord Capulet: Except for the dirty Montagues!
Tybalt: Are you sure? I’m certain I can smell their stench.
Lady Capulet: No, that’s just Nurse. She had some broccoli this evening.
Nurse: So sorry.
Tybalt: And what about those three masked men?
Lady Capulet: Probably just some hideous people trying to prevent us from going blind.
N2: Suddenly, a beautiful young (stops suddenly) I’m sorry. Nurse, it smells terrible in here! I can barely speak without gagging!
Nurse: I said I was sorry!
N1: Juliet entered the room, looking like an angel sent from heaven. A very young angel. Too young.
N4: She was only thirteen.
N3: Thirteen!? I thought this play was about people in their twenties.
Romeo: Well I’m eighteen.
Ben: Is that legal?
Mercutio: Carry on!
Romeo: I have just seen the most beautiful creature. She is the corner piece to my puzzle—without her, I would be incomplete.
Mercutio: I think I am going to vomit.
Rosaline: See what I mean!
Ben: But Romeo, what about Rosaline?
Romeo: Who?
Ben: Rosaline. The girl you were in love with not two minutes ago.
Romeo: Who?
Ben: This is pointless. Go dance with your puzzle piece.
N1: And so he did.
N3: The whole evening, Romeo and Juliet danced with one another. Without much reason at all, they fell in love.
Romeo: I think I am in love.
Juliet: I think I am thirteen… and in love!
N4: Gross.
N2: All was perfect, until Tybalt realized there were some uninvited guests.
Tybalt: You rats! You fleas! You flea-covered rats! Get out! Get out! And tomorrow, we shall duel!
Mercutio: That seems harsh.
N5: And not allowed in school.
N1: The three Montagues left the party, but Romeo was not done looking at Juliet.
Romeo: I shall climb over Lord Capulet’s wall and call out to my beautiful… my beautiful… my beautiful whatever her name is.
N3: Juliet stood in front of her window that looked out onto the balcony.
Romeo: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
N1: How romantic!
N5: Romantic? He just called her a flaming ball of gas.
N1: But a beautiful flaming ball of gas.
Juliet: Oh… whatever your name is…
N3: (whispers to Juliet) Romeo!
Juliet: Oh, Romeo. After seeing all of your dance moves tonight, I think I am in love!
Romeo: As am I! Let us marry! I will find us a preacher.
Preacher: Hello. Do you want to be married?
N3: Where did he come from?
Preacher: A church. Duh.
Juliet: Please, sir, will you marry us?
N2: And so they were married. Even though she was thirteen.
N4: Romeo had to flee before being caught by Lord Capulet.
Lord Capulet: Do I smell a Montague?
Lady Capulet: No dear. It was just Nurse.
Nurse: Sorry.
N5: Before being able to run away together, there was a duel between Mercutio and Tybalt.
Tybalt: Now I have you!
Romeo: NO! You can’t kill him!
N3: Even though Romeo tried to jump between the two, Tybalt was able to “stab” Mercutio.
Tybalt: Why was “stab” in quotes? Oh… we’re in school. Got it.
Mercutio: I’m dead?
N1: Yep.
Romeo: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Because you killed one of my family, I shall “stab” you, too!
Tybalt: I’m dead?
N2: Yep.
N1: The conveniently available preacher helped Romeo and Juliet create a plan to run away.
Preacher: So, Juliet, you are going to drink poison that will make it seem like you are dead. Then, Romeo will meet you at your family’s crypt.
N3: What?
N4: Big house for dead people.
N5: Gross.
Juliet: I guess I will drink this poison that just so happened to be here. Goodnight!
N2: Lord and Lady Capulet discovered Juliet and believed her to be dead.
Lord Capulet: Oh no! My sweet angel is dead!
Lady Capulet: Nurse, how could you let this happen!
Nurse: Sorry.
Lord Capulet: I guess we should take her body to our family’s big house for dead people.
N5: Gross.
Lady Capulet: And I shall die from grief… I’m dead.
N1: Unfortunately, Romeo never learned the whole plan.
N3: When he discovered Juliet, Romeo became quite dramatic.
N2: That was quite dramatic.
N4: And because poison was apparently easily acquired in Verona, he decided to poison himself.
Romeo: If I cannot be with my puzzle piece in life, I shall be joined with her in the great jigsaw in the sky!... I’m dead.
N2: As we all know, Juliet was just taking a drug-induced nap.
N1: When she awoke, she found her newly dead husband lying beside her.
Juliet: Romeo, wake up! Dear, alarm clocks haven't been invented, yet. I could make you some breakfast!
Nurse: Don’t make him broccoli.
Juliet: Romeo?... Romeo?
N3: But Romeo did not wake up.
N4: In distress—
N3: What?
N2: She was real upset.
N3: Oh.
N4: In distress, Juliet found Romeo’s dagger and stabbed herself with it.
Juliet: Though you thought calling me a big ball of gas was a compliment and I only knew you for less than a week, I still loved you… I’m dead.
N5: Having found their dead children, Lord Montague and Lord Capulet decided to end their families’ feud.
Lord Montague: Though I would prefer consuming glass over spending any time with your ugly face, I think we should fight no longer.
Lord Capulet: I agree. You slug for brains idiot.
N1: And so ends the romantic story of Romeo and Juliet.
N2: We hope you have learned a few things.
N3: Don’t fall in love too quickly.
N4: Don’t be over dramatic.
N5: And, most importantly, never let Nurse eat broccoli.

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