Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5.22-Bell-ringer, Hero Speech Instructions

May 22, 2018
Bell-ringer: Write the sentences and define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1.      After accidentally setting the kitchen aflame, I supplicated my parents not to punish me.
2.      Ghosts, spirits, and demons are all examples of supramundane entities.
3.      Because we had over eight people in our party, the restaurant added a surcharge to the bill.
4.      For decades, this secret society held surreptitious meetings to decide our fate.
5.      The ruler enjoyed keeping sycophants around because he did not like being told no.

Hero Speech
Within our lives, there are those who make a positive impact—at times these people are family members or family friends; other times, they are celebrities, political figures, or other experts. Next week (Wednesday, May 30), you will be giving a speech between three to five minutes about the qualities that these people share—the qualities of a hero.
Within this speech, you must identify three characteristics of a hero. For each characteristic, you must give examples of a hero who exemplifies this characteristic. You can use the same example for each of the characteristics or an example(s) per individual characteristic.
Your speech must have a hook, a thesis, three topic sentences, three supporting details for each topic sentence, and a conclusion. You will be provided with an outline to help you create your speech.
While this is not a research project, if you use any ideas or words from another person or source, you must give that person or source credit.
This speech is worth 50 points—20 for the outline, 10 for staying within the time limits, and 20 for the fluidity and effectiveness of your speech (lack of stuttering, not over-relying on your outline, pitch and volume, etc.). To ensure receiving full credit, you should spend time practicing your speech.

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