Friday, April 20, 2018

Night: Ch. 7-9 Questions

Wiesel includes another incident in the train that is used as a foil to show the relationship between father and son. Describe this event. 

2.      What is ironic about the Parisian woman’s words when she said, “I like to give charity”?

3.      For whose benefit does Eliezer insist that his father cannot sit in the snow when they arrive to Buchenwald? The easy answer is that it only benefits his father—how might it also benefit Eliezer?

4.      Describe the role that guilt plays in Eliezer life at Buchenwald before his father dies. 

5.      Wiesel builds up his father’s death for many pages—it seemed like the poor guy would never die! However, Eliezer’s father’s death was quick and nondescript. Explain why Wiesel would create such buildup and then have it end so quickly. 

6.      What does Eliezer mean when he writes that he feels free after his father’s death? Is he free of responsibility? Or is he free to go under, to drift into death?

7. The book ends with a haunting sense of hollowness. Why do you think the author ends with this tone?

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