Wednesday, April 11, 2018

4.11-Bell-ringer, Etymology Activity, Spelling Words, Anne Frank Vocab 2

April 11, 2018
Bell-ringer: Write the verbal or verbal phrase in each sentence. Then identify it as a participle or a gerund.

  1. Please take the distributed document home to your parents.
  2. The woman tried to soothe the baby fussing in his crib.
  3. Heather is immensely scared of driving over bridges.

Create an original sentence using the provided participial phrases.

  1. Waving in the breeze
  2. Burned to a crisp

1.       a word, phrase, image, or the like having a complex of associated meanings
2.       Synonym of the word perspicacity
3.       A cultivated variety of muskmelon
4.       Shares the same root word as the word “nil.”
5.       In physics, this word means the persistence of sound after the source has stopped.
6.       This adverb can be conclusively or irrevocably.
7.       The adjective form of this verb is concessible.
8.       A conclave plate of brass
9.       The word derives from the Anglo-Latin word meaning a stage for a play.
10.   The first one of these was made in 1902; it is named for a cloak worn by shepherds in a particular part of France
11.   An opaque mineral
12.   A synonym for one use of this word is “souvenir.”
13.   From the same root word as “journal” or “journey.”
14.   Possibly from the Arabic word “al-zahr” meaning “the die (as in singular dice); antonym of safety
15.   _______can be a hard concept to get a handle on,especially for those who are immersed in it and reaping the benefits.

1.    adjourn
2.    finally
3.    hazard
4.    limousine
5.    symbol
6.    cymbal
7.    cantaloupe
8.    pageant
9.    remembrance
10.  judgment
11.  concede
12.  privilege
13.  annihilate
14.  reverberation
15.  turquoise

Anne Frank: Vocabulary Illustrated Dictionary

Directions: Create an illustrated dictionary that includes the vocabulary word, an original sentence that includes the word, and a picture that represents the word. These can be created like a dictionary—not in vocabulary squares. You do not need a synonym or antonym. Due Monday, 16. 

1.     Inarticulate- adj. unable to express oneself
2.     Apprehension- noun a fearful feeling about what will happen next
3.     Intuition- noun ability to sense immediately, without reasoning
4.     Indignant- adj. filled with anger at meanness or injustice
5.     Stealthily- adv. in a secretive way
6.     Ineffectually- adv. without producing the desired results

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