Monday, April 16, 2018

4.16-Bell-ringer, Journal Entry

Night Journal Entry #3 (only for 3/8 and 5)
Journal Entry #3
Write a response to one of the following prompts. This should be kept separate from your bell-ringers.
Option A: Like any teenager, the speaker’s relationships with each of his parents are complex. Choose one of your parents and discuss the complexity of your relationship with him/her. Maybe the expectations that are set for you are too high; perhaps this parent is absent or uninvolved with your life. Hopefully, there are some positive aspects of the relationship.
Option B: Eliezer poses a profound question: “How was it possible that men, women, and children were being burned and that the world kept silent?” If confronted with this question, how would you answer?
Option C: Elie tells a lie to his relative, Stein, because he believed it was more helpful to lie than to cause Stein pain with the truth. Is lying ever acceptable? How does one judge when a lie is beneficial?

Bell-ringer (1/7, 2/6)
 Answer the prompt below. Write at least two sentences.

Peter believed that the Star of David was a brand that should be burned. Anne thought that the Star of David was a religious symbol. If you were put in the same situation, would you agree with Anne or Peter? Why?

Bell-ringer (3/8)
1.      The talent of the gifted student transcended the talents of others.
2.      Her plaintive weeping caused sadness in all who heard her.
3.      What was most frightening about the murderer was his apathy; he had no remorse.
4.      The vitality of the weightlifter was shown as he lifted the school bus over his head.
5.      Paul fell prostrate, hitting his face on the unforgiving concrete.

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