Thursday, April 5, 2018

4.4-Bell-ringer and Activity (1/7, 2/6)

Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Your sentences should be creative, interesting, and at least ten words long.
1.     Resistless- adj. powerless
2.     Resplendent- adj. extremely bright
3.     Retch- v. to make efforts to vomit; gag
4.     Revert- v. to return to a former state (not like Ohio, but a state of being/action)
5.     Revoke- v. to take back

The Diary of Anne Frank: In the Attic
In Act I, Scene 2 of The Diary of Anne Frank, Anne and the readers are introduced to her new home and all of the rules that accompany it. To prove that you read and understood this section of the play, you will have to complete one of the options below.  Due Friday, April 6.
1.   Create a diary entry from Anne’s diary about that day in her life. This diary entry should explain what the attic rooms look like, who all is living there, and what the rules are. This should be in first-person point-of-view and at least three paragraphs long.

Create a diagram of the secret annex. Go into great detail. This should be done on computer paper. This should look neat. There should be labels to identify everything. Write a paragraph to explain the diagram.

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