Wednesday, September 27, 2017

9.27- Bell-ringer and Grammar Exercises

Bell-ringer: Directions—correct the following sentences.

1. After the combined trip are familys will be seperating tommorow.

2. My familie is going to colombus, their family is headed to amish country.

3. We no longer go they’re cause my sister were bitten by a amish rabbit.

4. she nocked a whole jar of home made jelly of the shelve and broked it.

5. She’s payed for the jelly and layed down for a nap. 

Complete each activity and show Mr. Spivy your scores when you finish. If you do not like your final score, then redo the exercise.

There, their, they're--click here
To, too, two-- click here
Its, it's-- click here

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