Tuesday, September 26, 2017

9.25 and 26 Bell-ringers

Directions: Write the following sentences. Define the underlined words using prior knowledge and context clues.

1. Everyone knows that Cynthia is a braggart; she even brags about how straight her teeth are.

2. Because of the preacher’s brevity, we were able to beat the other churches to lunch.

3. This plate used to be sturdy, but after many years, it is now brittle.

4. Henry bungled his part of the song and made the whole band look bad.

5.  Even with thousands of people on board, the ship remained buoyant.

Directions: Write an original sentence for each of the following words. Your sentences should be at least ten words long.

1. Braggart—noun a person who does a lot of bragging

2. Brevity—noun. shortness of time or duration

3. Brittle—adj. easily damaged or destroyed; fragile; frail

4. Bungle—verb to do clumsily and awkwardly; botched

5.  Buoyant—adj. tending to float in a fluid

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