Thursday, September 21, 2017

9.21- Bell-ringer and Grammar Activity

Bell-ringer: Directions—Write the quote and answer the questions that follow.

“In order to have great happiness you have to have great pain and unhappiness - otherwise how would you know when you're happy?” Leslie Caron
1) Do you agree with Caron? Why?

2) Think about a time when you were the happiest (or at least a time when you were happy); do you think you would have been happy had you never experienced unhappiness in your life? Explain.

Directions: Combine each set of independent clauses into a compound sentence.
30. I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. I ate my apple for dessert.
31. I studied so long for my algebra test. I think I got a really good grade.
32. I will lend you my notebook. I should keep my pencil for writing the test.
33. The water was cool. We still went swimming.
34. Eat your breakfast. Put your dishes in the dishwasher.
35. The oranges tasted absolutely delicious and juicy. The apples were a bit sour.
36. I am tired. I am hungry.
37. You have the right to vote in the election. You are old enough now.
38. Justin will send us some tickets. We can go to Portland.
39. Outside, the wind felt chilly. We were cozy inside by the fire.
40. Jean wrote the entire first chapter. She took a break in the evening. 

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