Thursday, September 21, 2017

9.22-Bell-ringer, Journal Entry, Discussion Questions

I expect you to work hard today. Don't mess around. Don't be distracted or a distraction. Get your work done. 8th period! Make sure to plug all of the i-Pads in at the end of the day. Do good things; make me proud. 

Bell-ringer (except for 5th period)
In one pond in the forest, scientists found that a sample of pond water contained 45 minnows for every 27 tadpoles. How many tadpoles would they expect to find in a sample that contained 315 minnows? Show your work!

Tuff-Time Journal Entry #4
This week, you have been spending time with people who are outside of your normal clique. Or at least, that is what you were supposed to be doing. Today, you are going to write about your experiences. Following the guiding questions below to help develop each of your three paragraphs. 

Paragraph #1- Write about the different people that you decided to spend time with this week. Why did you choose these people? Did you choose a different group each day or was it the same every day? What were your interactions like? 

Paragraph #2- Write about how you felt as you were interacting with these different people. Was it easy or difficult? What made it easy or difficult? If you interacted with the same people throughout the week, did your interactions become less awkward. Why don't you normally spend time with these people? 

Paragraph #3- Write about the downfalls of cliques at Edison specifically. Write about what you, personally, could do to help create bridges between the different cliques at Edison. Write down something that might be positive if these cliques disappeared. 

The Outsiders: Chapters 7-9 Discussion Questions
Directions: On your own sheet of paper, answer the following questions. Your answers should be complete sentences. If a question has multiple parts, answer all parts of the question. Include text evidence for questions 3, 5, 8, and 10. Period 5: Choose six of the questions below to answer.

1.      What was the content of Ponyboy and Randy’s conversation? Write down at least three things they talked about.

2.      Randy said that the problem with Bob was that his parents never told him “no.” To many teenagers, this does not sound like a problem at all; how could never being told “no” be a problem?

3.      Why did the doctor allow Ponyboy and Two-Bit in to see Johnny? The nurse would not allow it at first. The answer is not obvious.

4.      How did Johnny react when the nurse tells him that his mother is there for a visit? Why did he react this way? Do you believe, in spite of her treatment of Johnny, that his mother does still love and care for him?

5.      What reason does Cherry give for not going to see Johnny? Do you agree with Cherry or do you think you would be upset like Ponyboy was?

6.      What quality in Bob did Cherry love? Who else shared this quality?

7.      In one well-written sentence, describe the mood at the Curtis house just before the rumble. Use at least one quote from the book to support your answer. Make sure to write down the page number from where the quote came.

8.      Ponyboy feels the only reason to fight is self-defense. Using the text, describe why the other Greasers fight. What does Johnny say about fighting at the end of chapter 9?

9.      Which Soc started the rumble with Darry? What relationship do Darry and this Soc share? Why do you think the author included the information about this Soc?

10.  What are Johnny’s last words? What does this reference? What did these words mean?

Period 5: Since I blew through Chapter 7, use the link below to read a summary on that chapter. 
Click here

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