Friday, September 15, 2017

9.15- Journal Prompt and Vocab Words

Tuff-Time Journal Entry #3: Keep these separated from your bell-ringers. Add this to your other journal entries. Write at least two paragraphs. Be honest.

Prompt: The driving conflict in The Outsiders is between two groups of people who share much in common but still tend to focus on that which separates them. While we do not have gangs at Edison, we do have cliques that we are separated into. A clique is a group of friends that share commonalities and tend to exclude those who do not “fit it.”

Paragraph 1: Describe the cliques at Edison. What makes them different from other groups? Is there every any conflict between the cliques? What causes this?

Paragraph: Everyone is in a clique even if you don’t think you are. Describe your clique. Do you think you actually fit in with this group? 

The Outsiders: Vocab Part 2

1.)          Implore-v. to beg for pity or mercy
2.)          Sullen-adj. gloomy or dismal
3.)          Elude- v. to avoid or escape through speed
4.)          Siege- v. the act of surrounding an enemy and depriving it of resources (no syn./ant.)
5.)          Indignant- adj. characterized by strong displeasure
6.)          Hysteric- n. a fit of uncontrollable laughter, weeping, or both
7.)          Aghast- adj. struck with overwhelming shock or amazement

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