Thursday, September 14, 2017

9.14- Bell-ringer, Discussion Questions, Grammar

Bell-ringer: Directions—Write the quote and then answer the questions that follow.
To be happy with a little is the greatest wisdom; and he that gets more riches, gets more worry; but a content mind is a hidden treasure, which trouble cannot find.” --Akhenaton
1) Why does a person who has more riches worry more than one who has less?

2) What does it mean to have a content mind? Is it easy to be content (happy) with what you have? Why?

The Outsiders: Chapters 4-6 Discussion Questions

Directions: On your own sheet of paper, answer the following questions. Your answers should be complete sentences. If a question has multiple parts, answer all parts of the question.

1.      What did the Socs do to make Johnny kill Bob? How was Bob’s death foreshadowed earlier in the book?

2.      Suppose Johnny has been arrested for murdering Bob. Take on the role of one of the lawyers. Either you can defend or prosecute Johnny (try to send him to jail). Write an argument for why Johnny should or should not be punished for Bob’s murder.

3.      How is cutting a Greaser’s hair a harsh punishment to him when he goes to jail or a detention center?

4.      Who does Johnny say is like the men in Gone with the Wind? What example does he give that shows they are similar?

5.      Ponyboy states that the Greaser he likes the least is Dally because he is too real. What does Ponyboy mean when he says this?

6.      What do you think is the meaning of the poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay” on page 77?

7.      When Dally comes to the abandoned church, he brings Ponyboy a letter from Sodapop. Describe the contents of this letter.

8.      What is Dally’s reason for not wanting Johnny to turn himself in?

9.      “I caught one quick look at Johnny’s face; it was red-marked from falling embers and sweat-streaked, but he grinned at me. He wasn’t scared either. That was the only time I can think of when I saw him without that defeated, suspicious look in his eyes” (p. 92). Johnny is in a church engulfed in flames and liable to collapse on top of him, and yet it seemed like he was having the time of his life. Explain why Johnny seemed to enjoy being put in this dangerous position. 

10.  What is your definition of a hero? Do the three boys (Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy) fit your definition? Explain.

Write the subjects and verbs in the compound sentences.
7. My favorite fruits are oranges and grapes, but my friend loves pineapples.
8. Olive should wash the dishes and clean the house, yet she chooses to play instead.
9. The field was green and lush, yet the children could not find any flowers to pick.
10. The wind howled, and the storm gathered strength.
11. The summer sun was warm, so the group spent the day at the beach.
12. You could take the first bus out of town, or you could walk to the train stop.
Identify the sentences as either simple or compound.
13. I can’t believe that you and Alex found the show without directions.
14. Cats often hunt at night and sometimes during the day.
15. We traveled to Belgium last summer and ate Belgian waffles.
16. We studied the Civil War and watched a war reenactment on a field trip.
17. We studied World War II, and we visited a war museum.
18. We read about Greek mythology and created our own Greek myth.
19. Our friends are supportive during stressful times and often help us solve our problems.
20. Liam wrote about his favorite time period in history and found excellent research information on the school database.

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