Friday, March 14, 2014

Bell-ringer and Writing Assessment Instructions

Brian is a professional roller coaster tester. He is paid $40 each hour that he works. He works 30 hours each week for three weeks, but the last week of the month he works 40 hours. If 20% is taken out for taxes, how much money will he take home at the end of four weeks? No calculator.

1. First, you need to watch the video at this link. If you need headphones, ask Mr. Spivy.
2. Log on to
3. Select the New Thing Prompt. (Block--Digital Citizenship)
4. For this assignment (and for the writing assessment next week), I expect you to follow the five step writing process (Pre-write, Organize, Write, Edit, Re-write). For this assignment, you may skip the rough draft step. For the writing assessment next week, do not skip that step. 
5. You must have at least six paragraphs. The more you write, the better off you will be. 
6. There must be transitional words throughout your essay.
7. Your paragraphs should be at least five sentences long. 
8. Include as many adverbs and adjectives as you can.

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