Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bell-ringer and Instructions

Bell-ringer: Write the quote and answer any questions that may follow.

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” George Bernard Shaw

Explain what Shaw means. How is a mistake better than nothing?
Relate this to your own life: when has making a mistake taught you something that you would have not learned otherwise.

1. Essential questions and the annotated bibliography are due at the end of class. You can either send Mr. Spivy the document in your e-mail ( or through LiveGrades. If you can do neither, then save your annotated bibliography to one of Mr. Spivy's flashdrive.

2. Compile notes on your country from your research. The smartest idea is to answer the essential questions. You will need to write down where you found all of your answers. If you do not have a way to print your answers at home, then you should write your notes on a separate sheet of paper.

7th Directions:
1. Finish all of the assignments from this week.
2. You are going to be creating two resolutions that will be presented to class. Information on how to make the resolution, an example of a resolution, and a template for the resolution are included in your google document at the bottom.

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