Monday, March 10, 2014

Bell-ringer and Directions


Write the following sentences and define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.Do not look these words up.
1.      Your story of the twelve-headed squirrel is completely implausible.
2.      Though practice was cancelled, we decided to have an impromptu scrimmage.
3.      The chemicals you added made the water impure and unfit for drinking.
4.      My mother inadvertently nicked my ear when she cut my hair.
5.      Although the textbook was understandable, the professor was inapprehensible.

1. Create a new document on Word.
2. In this new document, write down the five sections your research project must include.
3. Under each section, write the essential questions that you will be answering in the section. You should have at least three questions under each section.
4. When you are finished with this document, open the document that instructs you on how to make your annotated bibliography that is due later this week. You will add your annotated bibliography to the document you just created.

Annotated Bibliography Instructions

1. Finish the guiding document from Friday. The links are still live. I made one alteration to the document. This document is due at the end of class today.
2.  When you are finished with this, split the group into three smaller groups.
3. Each group needs to focus on an issue that is afflicting your country. For example, if your country was Honduars, you would research the problems with drug trafficking, extreme poverty, or government corruption.
4. Each group needs to write a one page write-up each of the issues. This needs to include any resources you use. A good resource to use would be a newspaper or other new source from your country. You can translate it using
5. By the end of this assignment, your country should have research three different topics from your country. 

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