Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bell-ringer and Activity

Today, you will have two bell-ringers (to help make up for all the days that we have not had any).

Bell-ringer #1
Directions: Write the following and sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1.      The fallen trees hindered our journey to the beach.
2.      Horace, the criminal mastermind, hoodwinked the cops using a creative story and disguise.
3.      Because of all of the pollen in the air, my eyes are extremely hydrous today.
4.      My teacher is hypercritical and can find fault in anything.
5.      My sister is so comfortable in the water that she has been called ichthyic

  Bell-ringer #2
  Using the underlined words above, write five original sentences. Your sentences must be at least ten words long. If they are not at least ten words long, then you will not receive credit for this bell-ringer. Use an online resource to help you define the words if you cannot figure out the meaning using context clues. 

 Click on the hyperlink below and follow the directions. You will not be able to print out the article. Make sure to read all of the information before answering the questions (even the information after the questions). Your answers must be complete sentences. Write on your own sheet of paper.
Also, answer question #1 in the resource section at the bottom of the page.

  Kerry Warns Russia

Homework: This week, we will be starting a research project on a country of your choosing. Tomorrow, I will ask you which country you would like to do your project on. When you finish the activity today, you may start looking for the country. I will not allow two people in the same class to research the same country, so have a back-up plan.

If you finish everything: you may either do activities at,, or you may read. Those are your only options. 

Read the article below and answer the questions with complete sentences after you have done the activity above. You will be required to finish both articles today. 
  US Scales Back

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