Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bell-ringer and Directions

Using the five underlined words from yesterday, write five original sentences. If you could not find the definitions for the five words yesterday, you may look them up today. Your sentences must consist of at least ten words each.

Block-6th Directions
1. Add these questions to your list of questions yesterday if they are already not part of your questions.

1. How was this country founded?
2. What are some significant events from the country's past?
3. Has your country been involved with any wars?

1. What is the land mass of your country?
2. What are the major geographic formations?
3. What does this country border?
4. What are the important natural resources?

1. What is the population?
2. What is the ethnicity of the population?
3. What religion do they belong to?

1. What type of government does the country have?
2. What is the definition of that type of government?
3. Who is the leader of the government?

Current Events:
1. What is currently in the news domestically?
2. Is the country involved with anything overseas?

2. Continue working on your annotated bibliography. Follow the directions from yesterday to complete this task.

3. If you finish your essential questions and your annotated bibliography, compile some notes while researching your topic. Use the questions you have created to guide your research.

7th Directions
1. Continue working on the tasks from yesterday.
2. I have added space in the guide document to complete your write-ups on the current issues in your countries.

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