Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bell-ringer and Instructions

Bell-ringer: Rewrite the following sentences, correcting any grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors. Do not change the meaning of the sentences.

1.      Sorry I dunno if Ima wanna do that tommorow.
2.      When I was 3-years-old I can tie my shoes.
3.      He does’nt feel good so we isn’t gonna go the party.
4.      She looked at him, and said “I will return in 10 minutes”!
5.      I recieved two hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-three cents from the cashere.

Block-6th Directions
1. Finish the essential questions from Monday if you have not finished that. Make sure to add the questions that I provided you yesterday.
2. Continue working on your annotated bibliography. Follow the directions from Monday's post. The document is hyperlinked.
3. When you finish your annotated bibliography, continue compiling notes for your research project.
4. I must have your article questions in the tray in our classroom by the end of the day.

7th Directions
1. When Mr. Spivy asks, bring him your g-mail information. No one will be able to access your documents until I have your g-mail information.
2. Finish the guiding document if it is not done. Work on your current issues/problem documents. You should do a fair amount of research before writing. You should be the expert on these topics by the end of the process.

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