Friday, March 14, 2014

Bell-ringer and Writing Assessment Instructions

Brian is a professional roller coaster tester. He is paid $40 each hour that he works. He works 30 hours each week for three weeks, but the last week of the month he works 40 hours. If 20% is taken out for taxes, how much money will he take home at the end of four weeks? No calculator.

1. First, you need to watch the video at this link. If you need headphones, ask Mr. Spivy.
2. Log on to
3. Select the New Thing Prompt. (Block--Digital Citizenship)
4. For this assignment (and for the writing assessment next week), I expect you to follow the five step writing process (Pre-write, Organize, Write, Edit, Re-write). For this assignment, you may skip the rough draft step. For the writing assessment next week, do not skip that step. 
5. You must have at least six paragraphs. The more you write, the better off you will be. 
6. There must be transitional words throughout your essay.
7. Your paragraphs should be at least five sentences long. 
8. Include as many adverbs and adjectives as you can.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bell-ringer and Instructions

Bell-ringer: Write the quote and answer any questions that may follow.

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” George Bernard Shaw

Explain what Shaw means. How is a mistake better than nothing?
Relate this to your own life: when has making a mistake taught you something that you would have not learned otherwise.

1. Essential questions and the annotated bibliography are due at the end of class. You can either send Mr. Spivy the document in your e-mail ( or through LiveGrades. If you can do neither, then save your annotated bibliography to one of Mr. Spivy's flashdrive.

2. Compile notes on your country from your research. The smartest idea is to answer the essential questions. You will need to write down where you found all of your answers. If you do not have a way to print your answers at home, then you should write your notes on a separate sheet of paper.

7th Directions:
1. Finish all of the assignments from this week.
2. You are going to be creating two resolutions that will be presented to class. Information on how to make the resolution, an example of a resolution, and a template for the resolution are included in your google document at the bottom.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bell-ringer and Instructions

Bell-ringer: Rewrite the following sentences, correcting any grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors. Do not change the meaning of the sentences.

1.      Sorry I dunno if Ima wanna do that tommorow.
2.      When I was 3-years-old I can tie my shoes.
3.      He does’nt feel good so we isn’t gonna go the party.
4.      She looked at him, and said “I will return in 10 minutes”!
5.      I recieved two hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-three cents from the cashere.

Block-6th Directions
1. Finish the essential questions from Monday if you have not finished that. Make sure to add the questions that I provided you yesterday.
2. Continue working on your annotated bibliography. Follow the directions from Monday's post. The document is hyperlinked.
3. When you finish your annotated bibliography, continue compiling notes for your research project.
4. I must have your article questions in the tray in our classroom by the end of the day.

7th Directions
1. When Mr. Spivy asks, bring him your g-mail information. No one will be able to access your documents until I have your g-mail information.
2. Finish the guiding document if it is not done. Work on your current issues/problem documents. You should do a fair amount of research before writing. You should be the expert on these topics by the end of the process.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bell-ringer and Directions

Using the five underlined words from yesterday, write five original sentences. If you could not find the definitions for the five words yesterday, you may look them up today. Your sentences must consist of at least ten words each.

Block-6th Directions
1. Add these questions to your list of questions yesterday if they are already not part of your questions.

1. How was this country founded?
2. What are some significant events from the country's past?
3. Has your country been involved with any wars?

1. What is the land mass of your country?
2. What are the major geographic formations?
3. What does this country border?
4. What are the important natural resources?

1. What is the population?
2. What is the ethnicity of the population?
3. What religion do they belong to?

1. What type of government does the country have?
2. What is the definition of that type of government?
3. Who is the leader of the government?

Current Events:
1. What is currently in the news domestically?
2. Is the country involved with anything overseas?

2. Continue working on your annotated bibliography. Follow the directions from yesterday to complete this task.

3. If you finish your essential questions and your annotated bibliography, compile some notes while researching your topic. Use the questions you have created to guide your research.

7th Directions
1. Continue working on the tasks from yesterday.
2. I have added space in the guide document to complete your write-ups on the current issues in your countries.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Bell-ringer and Directions


Write the following sentences and define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.Do not look these words up.
1.      Your story of the twelve-headed squirrel is completely implausible.
2.      Though practice was cancelled, we decided to have an impromptu scrimmage.
3.      The chemicals you added made the water impure and unfit for drinking.
4.      My mother inadvertently nicked my ear when she cut my hair.
5.      Although the textbook was understandable, the professor was inapprehensible.

1. Create a new document on Word.
2. In this new document, write down the five sections your research project must include.
3. Under each section, write the essential questions that you will be answering in the section. You should have at least three questions under each section.
4. When you are finished with this document, open the document that instructs you on how to make your annotated bibliography that is due later this week. You will add your annotated bibliography to the document you just created.

Annotated Bibliography Instructions

1. Finish the guiding document from Friday. The links are still live. I made one alteration to the document. This document is due at the end of class today.
2.  When you are finished with this, split the group into three smaller groups.
3. Each group needs to focus on an issue that is afflicting your country. For example, if your country was Honduars, you would research the problems with drug trafficking, extreme poverty, or government corruption.
4. Each group needs to write a one page write-up each of the issues. This needs to include any resources you use. A good resource to use would be a newspaper or other new source from your country. You can translate it using
5. By the end of this assignment, your country should have research three different topics from your country. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Bell-ringer and Research Project


Jesse has a coupon to her favorite store for $50 off her total price. When she arrives to the store, she discovers the store will take 30% all items in the store. At the end of her shopping extravaganza, Jesse has selected seven items that add up to $200 even (with tax). She may not use her coupon and receive the discounted price. Which will she choose—her coupon or the 30% off? Explain your answer at the end.

1. Click on Research Project Prompt
2. Tell Mr. Spivy your topic (when he calls your name)
3. Read this source about credible/reliable sources here. (Hint: .org and .edu are the best--no Wikipedia!)
4. Think about the questions you will have to answer for each section of the paper.
5. Start searching for credible sources for your project.

1. The contract needs to be finished as soon as possible. Print off the contract and give it to Mr. Spivy today.
2. Click on the link that corresponds with each country. Each member of the group should be able to add to the document individually. After deciding who will play which leadership role in the group, divvy up each part of the document so each person has a portion to work on.