Wednesday, November 29, 2017

11.29- Bell-ringer, Campaign Tasks

Bell-ringer: In a paragraph (or two) write about one of your favorite stories from your childhood. You could write about your first trip to the beach, a funny accident that ended with someone in the hospital, an incident with a slightly crazy aunt, or any other story that is told when your family spends time together. Do not give me the excuse that you cannot think of one; I will not accept that.

Campaign Tasks:
1.      Take your time and read over the profile of your candidate again. Write down at least three questions you have about your candidate. These could be about his/her personal life, views on other topics, and/or opinions.

2.      Discuss why you believe that candidate is running for president—what does s/he offer that no other candidate offers? What would compel them to run for president? If there is one thing that s/he would change about the nation, what would it be? Remember, your whole campaign will be based off of this discussion. This should be a discussion among the whole group. If I ask any person in the group any of these questions later, s/he should be able to answer it. Take notes on this conversation and put it in the folder by the end of class.

3.      Craft a slogan that will define your campaign. The slogan should be connected to your overall message, be clear, and be catchy- due tomorrow.

4.      Create a campaign logo. This logo should be neat, on computer paper) and colored. You will be required to show Mr. Spivy a rough draft before he will give you computer paper-due tomorrow.

5.      Create a press release (short newspaper article) announcing your candidate’s decision to run for president. This press release should include who your candidate is, why s/he is running for president, and why s/he would be the best person to be elected president. This press release should be written in the first-person point-of-view as if the candidate is writing it him/herself. This article should be at least three paragraphs long—due tomorrow at the end of class. 

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