Monday, November 13, 2017

11.13- Bell-ringer, Spelling Words, Banned Word List

Bell-ringer: Write the sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. Though my sister loves rutabagas, I detest them.
2. The detrimental storm destroyed houses and tore down power lines.
3. The devilry (hateful mischief) was done by the students.
4. We could almost see straight through the diaphanous fish.
5.  Mom dissevered the cake into six pieces.

1.    sustenance
2.    condemnation
3.    belittle
4.    beneficial
5.    coexist
6.    fortunate
7.    negotiate
8.    memento
9.    proclaim
10.  vengeance
11.  vandalism
12.  preferential
13.  maneuver
14.  ingenious
15.  carnivorous

Banned Word List:
good, bad, pretty, beautiful,ugly, very, really, sad, happy, excited/ing, thing, stuff, great, slow, fast, nice, amazing, awesome, got, cool, big, small, littler, wonderful

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