Monday, November 27, 2017

11.27- Bell-ringer, Essay Reflection, Team Contract

Bell-ringer: Directions- write the following sentences. Then, define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1.  My eccentric aunt likes to wear colorful fake fur, big jewelry, and enjoys swing dancing in public.

2.  Her cooking is not totally edible; it is rumored she accidently poisoned her husband.

3. Though a male, the bird has some effeminate features.

4. There is an “Exit” sign over all egresses in the building.

5. That piece of cheese emits a foul odor.

Essay Reflection
Directions: Read over your essay again. Read through the changes and notes that Mr. Spivy made.
1.       Did you receive the grade you expected to receive? Explain.
2.       How could you have improved your essay?

3.       What are you going to do next time to write a better essay? 

Team Contract
Contact Information

1.      Write down the name of each person in your group. Then write down a way they can be contacted (e.g. Facebook, texting, Instagram, etc…)
2.      Write down the name of the leader and back-up leader. These people will be the students who are ultimately responsible for the decisions made for the group as well as for the final products.

Create the rules of your contract:
Each rule should have two parts- the expectation and the consequence. So each rule should have an “if” statement and a “then” statement. (Example: If a student does not turn in his or her work, then that student will be required to make up additional work.)
1.  Create a rule/expectation for what you expect if someone knows they are going to be absent ahead of time and write it here.
2.  Create a rule if someone is unexpectedly absent.
3.  Create a rule for when someone does not do the work that was assigned to him/her.
4.  Create a rule for how work will be divided (so that each person is doing an equal amount of work).
5.  Create a rule for getting distracted (try to think of the things that might distract you and be as specific as possible) and what happens when you do.
6.  Create a rule for how you are going to handle disagreements or conflict.
Discipline Process:
Now detail your process for discipline (what steps do you have to go through to keep each other accountable and eventually fire someone if necessary). You must have four, enforceable steps. Steps cannot include physical violence or require Mr. Spivy to stay during lunch or after school (no detention). The last two steps will always be a meeting with the team and teacher and the team member being fired. Mr. Spivy will not fire a team member until he has been shown proof that the team has followed this discipline process.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3: Meeting with team and teacher
Step 4: Team Member Fired

Understanding and Signatures
1. Each team member must write the statement below.
I understand that the above contract and all of the rules and consequences listed therein apply to me. I also understand that it is my responsibility to check anything that the team turns in for accuracy, plagiarism, creativity, and overall completeness. I understand that any team assignments will be team grades.

2. Each team member must sign each copy of the team contract. 

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