Thursday, November 16, 2017

11-16- Bell-ringer, Activity

Bell-ringer: Write the quote. Then, answers the questions that follow.
“I encourage people to find and use the power of their voices just as much when I do not agree with those voices as when I do agree with them.”—Nikki Haley, current US Ambassador to the UN
1.    Why would a person want to vocalize their thoughts and opinions even if they disagreed with them?
How can we avoid automatically disliking someone just because we disagree with his/her opinions?

Directions: On your own sheet of paper, answer the following questions.
1.       This word comes from the Latin word that means “to cry aloud.”
2.       When referring to a law, this word means “involving the personal enjoyment of proceeds.”
3.       This word is derived from the Latin word meaning “flesh.”
4.       This word has a prefix meaning “together.”
5.       This word derives from and Anglo-French word and contains a suffix that changes a verb to a noun.
6.       A Germanic tribe in the 5th Century that was known for committing gruesome and destructive acts helped form this word.
7.       This word derives from the Latin word that means “to trade.”
8.       This word is a combination of “differential” and another English word.
9.       “Affluent” is a synonym for this word.
10.   The term comes from the Latin word “gignere.”
11.   One definition of this word is “to steer in various directions as required.”
12.   An antonym of this word is “flatter.”
13.   This word is used in laws and has a suffix that means “action or process.”
14.   The name of a certain prayer in a Catholic Mass (church service).

15.   The root word of this term means “to exact satisfaction.” 
1.    sustenance
2.    condemnation
3.    belittle
4.    beneficial
5.    coexist
6.    fortunate
7.    negotiate
8.    memento
9.    proclaim
10.  vengeance
11.  vandalism
12.  preferential
13.  maneuver
14.  ingenious
15.  carnivorous

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