Tuesday, November 14, 2017

11.14- Bell-ringer

Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Your sentences should be creative, completely original, and at least ten words long.

1. Detest- v. to hate
2. Detrimental- adj. causing destruction
3. Devilry- noun hate mischief (trouble making) 
4. Diaphanous- adj. translucent (see-through)
5. Dissever- verb to cut into pieces

1. After finishing the bell-ringer, continue (or begin) typing your essay. Before asking Mr. Spivy for help, try to solve your own problems. 
2. When/if you finish typing, let Mr. Spivy know, so he can instruct you on printing it. 
3. Once your essay is printed, you may visit one of the following websites for the remainder of class. 

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