Wednesday, November 29, 2017

11.28- Bell-ringer, Presidential Campaign Project

Bell-ringer: Using the words from yesterday, write an original sentence for each of the words. These sentences should be at least ten words long.
1.  eccentric- adj. odd; out of the ordinary

2.  edible- adj. able to be eaten

3. effeminate- adj. having female qualities

4. egress- n. an exit

5. emit- v. to send out; to release

Presidential Campaign
Directions: Congratulations! Your team has been selected to operate and manage the presidential campaign for a fictitious candidate. As the campaign team, you will be responsible for crafting the overarching message, a slogan, a logo, press releases, speeches, a commercial, and a debate. Along the way, you may be faced with a crisis or two. No one in the group is running for president, but for some tasks (such as speeches, the debate, and a commercial), someone will have to portray the candidate.
Each day, new tasks will be put either on the blog (accessed through the iPads) or in your group folder. All work for the day needs to be put in the group folder and placed in the tray. This is how the candidate will communicate with you, and how you will receive your grades.
The ultimate goal is for your candidate to win the presidency. To do that, you will have to gain more points on each task than the other campaign teams.

The purpose of this project is to become proficient persuasive writers and speakers. The challenge is that you will have to persuade your audience using the candidate’s beliefs, not your own. 

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