Monday, September 19, 2016


Answer the question below.
In one pond in the forest, scientists found that a sample of pond water contained 45 minnows for every 27 tadpoles. How many tadpoles would they expect to find in a sample that contained 315 minnows? Show your work!

This week you will be learning about crime scene investigations, as well as the different aspects of law enforcement and detective work. You will be assuming the role of an investigator.

Dear Investigators in Training:

I hope you are excited to start this difficult, but rewarding journey to becoming a Crime Scene Investigator!

Today you will begin your journey to becoming a Crime Scene Investigator by exploring the rights of the accused. Please read the document entitled "Rights of the Accused" with your group. There is a link for the document below.  While reading, be sure to remember information that you and your partner think is important to know!

After you are finished reading, please complete the assignment entitled "Know Your Rights". This worksheet contains twenty-six true/false statements regarding a person's rights in accordance to the law. On your own piece of paper, write down if the statement is true or false. If the statement is false, please explain why it is false. You must understand the rights of the accused to correctly answer the statements.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

"Rights of the Accused" click here
"Know Your Rights" click here

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