Tuesday, September 20, 2016

STEM- CSI Day #2

STEM Bell-ringer:

Leonard wants to become a stuntman for the movies. He finds a great stuntman school online, and he applies and gets accepted. The only problem is that the school is in California, and Leonard doesn’t have a car or money for a plane ticket. It will cost him $1,000 to buy a car that gets 30 miles per gallon. The trip is 1200 miles and gas is $3.00/gallon. It is $1,500 for the plane ticket. Which one would be cheaper for him? 

IF YOU DID NOT FINISH YESTERDAY'S WORK, YOU MUST DO THAT FIRST. Scroll down to find the work from yesterday. 

Day #2 Task 
Now that you understand the rights of the accused we can begin to explore the proper ways to examine and document a crime scene.

This process needs to be done in an accurate way to ensure that there is as little contamination as possible!

To start, please read the document entitled "A Guide for General Crime Scene Investigation" (found at the bottom). Take note of proper protocol and what you can do as an investigator to safeguard a crime scene. You may work with your group to complete this reading. This is long, so take your time.

After you have completed the reading, use a blank sheet of paper (that Mr. Spivy has) to create a "Dos and Don’ts When Investigating a Crime Scene" pamphlet. Create this pamphlet as if you were giving it to someone who was unfamiliar with the protocol of investigating crime scenes. Make this pamphlet neat and pleasing to the eye. If you want to add color or pictures, that is fine. You may work with your group on this pamphlet, or you can chose to work individually. When you are finished, please turn in the pamphlet to Mr. Spivy. This should take you at least two days.

Please consult me if you need further assistance. 

A Guide for General Crime Scene Investigation-- click here

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