Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Math Enrichment- 9/20

Answer the questions below. 

Robbie prepared 12 kilograms of dough after working 2 hours. Then, he prepared an additional 18 kilograms of dough after working another 3 hours. How many kilograms of dough does Robbie prepare every hour?

Colton's class took a field trip to the art museum. They left school at 7:30 A.M. It took them 15 minutes to drive to the museum. They stayed at the museum for 2 hours and 45 minutes. What time was it when Colton's class left the museum?

Tasks for today:

Finish your designs. Follow the guidelines below. 

Your group has been asked to create two blueprints of a house for the Smith family. You will be making your designs on graph paper (each group will be given four sheets of graph paper). Each square on the grid is equal to 1 sqft.
·        The family would like to have one master bedroom (between 180 sqft- 220 sqft) with a walk-in closet (at least 48 sqft) and a master bathroom (70-120 sqft).
·        The Smith family also has two boys and a girl. The boys are able to share a room if necessary, but Mr. Smith would prefer it if each child could have their own room. The children’s bedroom should be at least (150-170 sqft). Each bedroom should have a closet (24 sqft).
·        Mr. Smith thinks the family only needs one bathroom other than the master bathroom, but Mrs. Smith wants at least two bathrooms: one for her kids to share and an extra. These bathrooms should be at least 70 sqft.
·        Mrs. Smith wants a kitchen that is at least 160 sqft but would prefer larger.
·        The Smiths would like to have both a formal living room (260 sqft) and a formal dining room (200 sqft), but will settle for a living room and a dining area within the kitchen or family room.
·        The house should utilize hallways that are at least 4 feet wide.
·        The Smiths require a large family room (at least 320 sqft).
·        You can make the rooms larger than indicated above. The total square-footage must not be less than 1700 sqft.
·        Mr. Smith has decided that he would also like a garage in the designs of the house. This garage should be at least 60 sqft; it cannot be detached from the house. The garage needs to be concrete which is $50/sqft. 
The budget for this construction job is $170,000. The cost per square-foot is based on the type of flooring. Hardwood floor (looks nice, durable) is $110/sqft; carpet (looks nice, has to be maintained) is $80/sqft; laminate flooring (looks like hardwood floor but is actually just plastic) is $60/sqft; tile (should be used for bathrooms) is $100/sqft.

Draw each room of the house. Write down the dimensions (i.e. 10 x 12) and the total area (120 sqft). Label what room it is. Write down the type of flooring and total cost for the room. When finished, write down the total cost of the entire house and the square-footage. 

You will be showing Mr. Spivy your designs. He will approve or tell you to fix it. 

If you are approved by Mr. Spivy, you will now need to research the wall coverings you will be using for each room. If you are painting, then you need to decide how many gallons of paint you will need per room. Assume that the walls are 12 feet tall. Then, you will need to look up how much the paint you want to use is per gallon. If you use wall paper, then you need to write down how much it will cost to cover the walls using the wallpaper. 

Be sure to write down the type of paint and color or wall-paper you will be using in each room and how much it will cost. This can be on a separate sheet of paper. 

Your budget is $20,000. 

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