Tuesday, September 6, 2016

STEM-Sept. 6

Bell-ringer: Solve the equation. Show your work.
Ellie and Tanya each have bank accounts. Ellie has $500 and Tanya has $200.  Ellie withdraws $15 each weekend while Tanya deposits $12. At the end of 13 weeks, what is the difference in their bank accounts?

This week, you will be doing a short research project on different types of energy sources. I will give you a list of sources that you should research today, tomorrow, and Thursday. Choose THREE from the list to do your research. You will be answering the questions below for THREE of the energy sources. You will have to use online resources to answer these questions. Keep a list of resources that you use. Do NOT use wikipedia or anything other wiki. Make sure your answers are complete sentences.

Energy sources: fossil fuels, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydro-power

Research Questions:

1. What is the name of the energy source?
2. Provide a detailed definition for this energy source?
3. Give a brief history of when and how people first started using this energy source and how that has evolved over the years?
4. Is this energy source renewable? Explain.
5. What are some (2 or more) of the positive aspects of using this energy source?
6. What are some (2 or more) of the negative aspects of using this energy source?

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