Thursday, September 29, 2016

Math Enrichment--9/29

Answer the following question. Do not use a calculator.

Nicole took off in her helicopter from 1,000 meters above sea level. She later landed at a location 1,000 meters above sea level. What was Nicole's change in altitude?

Activity for today:
1. You will be going to a website and doing PART I and II of "Webquest 1- Baseball Stats."
2. If you are unsure how to do something, then you should use your online resources to figure it out. Do not ask Mr. Spivy. Learn to be self-sufficient. 
3. Make sure to write your answers on a sheet of paper. 
4. You may share a computer with someone, but each person will be turning in their own responses. 
5. When you finish, you may either do math games online or work on homework. 

website--click here

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