Monday, September 26, 2016

Math Enrichment 9/26

Math Bell:

Solve the problem below. 

Justin is making snowballs to build a fort during winter break. Justin can create 15 snowballs in an hour but 2 snowballs melt every 15 minutes. How long will it take him to make 210 snowballs? 

Today's Assignment.

If you have not finished all of the work from last week, then you must finish that first. Do not talk about your day or what you did this weekend. Finish the work! Remember, that Mr. Spivy must approve your blueprint before you can work on determining how much paint you will need. 

Tomorrow, you will be presenting your plans to the class. In this presentation, you need to discuss the size of the house, the total cost, how each of the Smiths' requirements were met, and the colors that were selected for each room. 

Additionally, you need to think about ways that you can sell your plans to the Smiths. Go online and look at descriptions of houses that are for sale--try to make your house sound like the best thing since sliced bread. 

IF YOU FINISH ALL OF THIS,  then you need to go to IXL (click here). Your username and password is your 9600#. 

1. Once logged on, click on the WV Standards Tab
2. Select the 7th grade math standards
3. Complete the lessons under "RP- Ratios and Proportional Relationships" 
4. Do all that you can today. If you receive less than a 90 on a lesson, then do it again.  

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