Thursday, September 29, 2016

Math Enrichment--9/29

Answer the following question. Do not use a calculator.

Nicole took off in her helicopter from 1,000 meters above sea level. She later landed at a location 1,000 meters above sea level. What was Nicole's change in altitude?

Activity for today:
1. You will be going to a website and doing PART I and II of "Webquest 1- Baseball Stats."
2. If you are unsure how to do something, then you should use your online resources to figure it out. Do not ask Mr. Spivy. Learn to be self-sufficient. 
3. Make sure to write your answers on a sheet of paper. 
4. You may share a computer with someone, but each person will be turning in their own responses. 
5. When you finish, you may either do math games online or work on homework. 

website--click here

Monday, September 26, 2016

Math Enrichment 9/26

Math Bell:

Solve the problem below. 

Justin is making snowballs to build a fort during winter break. Justin can create 15 snowballs in an hour but 2 snowballs melt every 15 minutes. How long will it take him to make 210 snowballs? 

Today's Assignment.

If you have not finished all of the work from last week, then you must finish that first. Do not talk about your day or what you did this weekend. Finish the work! Remember, that Mr. Spivy must approve your blueprint before you can work on determining how much paint you will need. 

Tomorrow, you will be presenting your plans to the class. In this presentation, you need to discuss the size of the house, the total cost, how each of the Smiths' requirements were met, and the colors that were selected for each room. 

Additionally, you need to think about ways that you can sell your plans to the Smiths. Go online and look at descriptions of houses that are for sale--try to make your house sound like the best thing since sliced bread. 

IF YOU FINISH ALL OF THIS,  then you need to go to IXL (click here). Your username and password is your 9600#. 

1. Once logged on, click on the WV Standards Tab
2. Select the 7th grade math standards
3. Complete the lessons under "RP- Ratios and Proportional Relationships" 
4. Do all that you can today. If you receive less than a 90 on a lesson, then do it again.  

September 26- STEM

Solve the problem below.
Mike's Bikes rents bikes for $16.42 and a charge of $2.51 per hour.  Ana paid $26.46 to rent a bike.  For how many hours did she rent the bike?

Today's work:
Because you all were not in the computer lab as I had planned for Friday, those of you who did not finish Thursday's work (found in a post below) need to finish this work. Tomorrow, we are starting a new project, and you will have no time to work on anything from last week after today. 

If you are finished and have turned in all of last week's work, then you need to go to IXL (click here). Your username and password is your 9600#. 

1. Once logged on, click on the WV Standards Tab
2. Complete the lessons under "RP- Ratios and Proportional Relationships" 
3. Do all that you can today. If you receive less than a 90 on a lesson, then do it again. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

STEM- 9/22

Stem Bell-ringer

Answer the following riddle: Wednesday, Bob and Tom ate at restaurant. Afterwards, one paid for the bill, and they left. Neither Bob nor Tom paid for the bill. Who paid?


First, you must finish the work from the past three days. Mr. Spivy needs your true/false statements and your brochure. If you need directions for those, please see previous posts.

Today. you will be reviewing the document Parts of a Trial (found here). After you have finished reading the article, you need to write at least three paragraphs that summarize the learning found within the document. It would be smart to group the paragraphs by common topics (for instance, you should have a paragraph on the jury). Today's work is individual work, not group work.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Math Enrichment- 9/21

Math Bell-ringer: Solve the problems below. Do not use a calculator. Do show your work.

This equation shows how the total distance Emily has walked depends on the number of trips she has made to school.

d = t + 14

The variable t represents the number of trips she has made, and the variable d represents the total distance walked in kilometers. After 2 trips to school, how many kilometers will Emily have walked in total?

This equation shows how the number of cakes Tyler can bake is related to the number of additional sticks of butter he buys.

c = s + 15

The variable s represents the number of additional sticks of butter Tyler buys, and the variable c represents the total number of cakes he can bake. With 3 additional sticks of butter, how many total cakes can Tyler bake?

Tasks for today:

You MUST finish the design and have Mr. Spivy approve it.

Use the paint calculator found at to determine how many gallons of paint you will need for each room. For this, you need to know the length and width of the room. The height will be 12 feet. You will also need to decide how many doors and windows will be in each room.

After determining how many gallons you need for room, then decide how much the paint will be and the color of the paint.

If you finish this, Mr. Spivy needs to approve of it. Remember that your budget for pain is $20,000.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Math Enrichment- 9/20

Answer the questions below. 

Robbie prepared 12 kilograms of dough after working 2 hours. Then, he prepared an additional 18 kilograms of dough after working another 3 hours. How many kilograms of dough does Robbie prepare every hour?

Colton's class took a field trip to the art museum. They left school at 7:30 A.M. It took them 15 minutes to drive to the museum. They stayed at the museum for 2 hours and 45 minutes. What time was it when Colton's class left the museum?

Tasks for today:

Finish your designs. Follow the guidelines below. 

Your group has been asked to create two blueprints of a house for the Smith family. You will be making your designs on graph paper (each group will be given four sheets of graph paper). Each square on the grid is equal to 1 sqft.
·        The family would like to have one master bedroom (between 180 sqft- 220 sqft) with a walk-in closet (at least 48 sqft) and a master bathroom (70-120 sqft).
·        The Smith family also has two boys and a girl. The boys are able to share a room if necessary, but Mr. Smith would prefer it if each child could have their own room. The children’s bedroom should be at least (150-170 sqft). Each bedroom should have a closet (24 sqft).
·        Mr. Smith thinks the family only needs one bathroom other than the master bathroom, but Mrs. Smith wants at least two bathrooms: one for her kids to share and an extra. These bathrooms should be at least 70 sqft.
·        Mrs. Smith wants a kitchen that is at least 160 sqft but would prefer larger.
·        The Smiths would like to have both a formal living room (260 sqft) and a formal dining room (200 sqft), but will settle for a living room and a dining area within the kitchen or family room.
·        The house should utilize hallways that are at least 4 feet wide.
·        The Smiths require a large family room (at least 320 sqft).
·        You can make the rooms larger than indicated above. The total square-footage must not be less than 1700 sqft.
·        Mr. Smith has decided that he would also like a garage in the designs of the house. This garage should be at least 60 sqft; it cannot be detached from the house. The garage needs to be concrete which is $50/sqft. 
The budget for this construction job is $170,000. The cost per square-foot is based on the type of flooring. Hardwood floor (looks nice, durable) is $110/sqft; carpet (looks nice, has to be maintained) is $80/sqft; laminate flooring (looks like hardwood floor but is actually just plastic) is $60/sqft; tile (should be used for bathrooms) is $100/sqft.

Draw each room of the house. Write down the dimensions (i.e. 10 x 12) and the total area (120 sqft). Label what room it is. Write down the type of flooring and total cost for the room. When finished, write down the total cost of the entire house and the square-footage. 

You will be showing Mr. Spivy your designs. He will approve or tell you to fix it. 

If you are approved by Mr. Spivy, you will now need to research the wall coverings you will be using for each room. If you are painting, then you need to decide how many gallons of paint you will need per room. Assume that the walls are 12 feet tall. Then, you will need to look up how much the paint you want to use is per gallon. If you use wall paper, then you need to write down how much it will cost to cover the walls using the wallpaper. 

Be sure to write down the type of paint and color or wall-paper you will be using in each room and how much it will cost. This can be on a separate sheet of paper. 

Your budget is $20,000. 

STEM- CSI Day #2

STEM Bell-ringer:

Leonard wants to become a stuntman for the movies. He finds a great stuntman school online, and he applies and gets accepted. The only problem is that the school is in California, and Leonard doesn’t have a car or money for a plane ticket. It will cost him $1,000 to buy a car that gets 30 miles per gallon. The trip is 1200 miles and gas is $3.00/gallon. It is $1,500 for the plane ticket. Which one would be cheaper for him? 

IF YOU DID NOT FINISH YESTERDAY'S WORK, YOU MUST DO THAT FIRST. Scroll down to find the work from yesterday. 

Day #2 Task 
Now that you understand the rights of the accused we can begin to explore the proper ways to examine and document a crime scene.

This process needs to be done in an accurate way to ensure that there is as little contamination as possible!

To start, please read the document entitled "A Guide for General Crime Scene Investigation" (found at the bottom). Take note of proper protocol and what you can do as an investigator to safeguard a crime scene. You may work with your group to complete this reading. This is long, so take your time.

After you have completed the reading, use a blank sheet of paper (that Mr. Spivy has) to create a "Dos and Don’ts When Investigating a Crime Scene" pamphlet. Create this pamphlet as if you were giving it to someone who was unfamiliar with the protocol of investigating crime scenes. Make this pamphlet neat and pleasing to the eye. If you want to add color or pictures, that is fine. You may work with your group on this pamphlet, or you can chose to work individually. When you are finished, please turn in the pamphlet to Mr. Spivy. This should take you at least two days.

Please consult me if you need further assistance. 

A Guide for General Crime Scene Investigation-- click here

Monday, September 19, 2016


Answer the question below.
In one pond in the forest, scientists found that a sample of pond water contained 45 minnows for every 27 tadpoles. How many tadpoles would they expect to find in a sample that contained 315 minnows? Show your work!

This week you will be learning about crime scene investigations, as well as the different aspects of law enforcement and detective work. You will be assuming the role of an investigator.

Dear Investigators in Training:

I hope you are excited to start this difficult, but rewarding journey to becoming a Crime Scene Investigator!

Today you will begin your journey to becoming a Crime Scene Investigator by exploring the rights of the accused. Please read the document entitled "Rights of the Accused" with your group. There is a link for the document below.  While reading, be sure to remember information that you and your partner think is important to know!

After you are finished reading, please complete the assignment entitled "Know Your Rights". This worksheet contains twenty-six true/false statements regarding a person's rights in accordance to the law. On your own piece of paper, write down if the statement is true or false. If the statement is false, please explain why it is false. You must understand the rights of the accused to correctly answer the statements.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

"Rights of the Accused" click here
"Know Your Rights" click here

Friday, September 9, 2016

STAR Reading and IXL

STAR Reading
1. Go the STAR Reading website => click here
2. Your username is the student ID# (9600)
3. Your password is the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name (ex: J.T. Spivy would use js as his password)
4. Take the Reading Test for Mr. Spivy
5. Take your time; do your best.

When you finish, you may either read independently or go to

Do not talk.

Math Enrichment--IXL

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness
4. Select 7th grade expression and equations.
5. After you have completed this skill, select ratios and proportional reasoning.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

STEM Sept. 8


In one pond in the forest, scientists found that a sample of pond water contained 45 minnows for every 27 tadpoles. How many tadpoles would they expect to find in a sample that contained 315 minnows? Show your work!

Continue the activity started on Tuesday. Today is the LAST day to work on this. 

When you finish, you may go to .

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

STEM-Sept. 6

Bell-ringer: Solve the equation. Show your work.
Ellie and Tanya each have bank accounts. Ellie has $500 and Tanya has $200.  Ellie withdraws $15 each weekend while Tanya deposits $12. At the end of 13 weeks, what is the difference in their bank accounts?

This week, you will be doing a short research project on different types of energy sources. I will give you a list of sources that you should research today, tomorrow, and Thursday. Choose THREE from the list to do your research. You will be answering the questions below for THREE of the energy sources. You will have to use online resources to answer these questions. Keep a list of resources that you use. Do NOT use wikipedia or anything other wiki. Make sure your answers are complete sentences.

Energy sources: fossil fuels, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydro-power

Research Questions:

1. What is the name of the energy source?
2. Provide a detailed definition for this energy source?
3. Give a brief history of when and how people first started using this energy source and how that has evolved over the years?
4. Is this energy source renewable? Explain.
5. What are some (2 or more) of the positive aspects of using this energy source?
6. What are some (2 or more) of the negative aspects of using this energy source?