Wednesday, December 20, 2017

12.20- Bell-ringer, Research Project

Directions: Describe the best gift you ever received. When did you get it? What was the occasion? Who gave it to you? What made it the best? Write at least a paragraph.  

Christmas Mini Research Project
Directions: Use online resources to answer the following questions. Your answers must be written on your own sheet of paper. They do not have to be complete sentences.
1.    The country from which we get the red flower called the Poinsettia
2.    The country that the tradition of having a Christmas tree comes from
3.    The man who lit the first Christmas tree
4.    The country in which the original St. Nicholas was born
5.     In what season does Christmas happen in Australia
6.    The name of the special celebration in Melbourne, Australia, held on Christmas Eve each year
7.    The things that children in France leave by the fireplace on Christmas Eve
8.    In France, the award you get if you find the bean hidden in the Three Kings’ Cake
9.    What Children in Great Britain do with their letters to Santa
10. Where children from Holland believe Santa live
11. What people from Ireland leave in the window Eve for
      Joseph and Mary on Christmas Eve
List the name of Santa Clause in each of these countries:
12. Brazil ______________________________
13. England ____________________________
14. France _____________________________
15. Germany ___________________________
16. Italy _______________________________
17. Russia _____________________________

Choose a country and find the following information about Christmas in this country:

1.     The name of the gift giver
2.    List some popular Christmas  decorations
3.    Tell about the food or meal the people eat to celebrate Christmas
4.    List at least 2 interesting customs or traditions that the people in this country do to celebrate Christmas.

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