Friday, December 1, 2017

12/1-Bell-ringer, Comma Notes, Comma Exercises

Bell-ringer: The Fabulous Fudge Emporium serves fudge made from an old secret recipe. Marvin works at the shop after school. He does not know what all of the ingredients are, but he knows that in 3 days they use 15 pounds of dark chocolate, 30 pounds of sugar, and 21 pounds of butter. When Marvin orders chocolate, sugar, and butter for 3 weeks, how many pounds of each ingredient does he order? Show your work. 

Comma Notes
The comma in a compound sentence is placed before the coordinating conjunction.

When a dependent clause is placed at the beginning of a sentence, place a comma between the independent clause and the dependent clause.

When a dependent clause is located after an independent clause, do not place a comma between the two.

An essential clause or phrase is used to modify a noun. It adds information that is critical to the meaning of the sentence.

Essential clauses are not set off by commas.

A nonessential clause or phrase adds extra information to a sentence. This information can be eliminated from the sentence without influencing the meaning of the sentence.

Always place commas around nonessential phrases and clauses.

Commas should be placed in series of words, phrases, or clauses.

Use commas to separate adjectives that provide an equal description of a noun. The test:
§Can you put and between the adjectives?
§Can they be described in reverse order?
§If yes, use a comma.

If a prepositional phrase or adverb phrase comes at the beginning of a sentence, a comma should follow. 

Comma Exercise-- click here 
Comma Exercise, the Sequel-- click here

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