Wednesday, December 13, 2017

12.13- Bell-ringer, Debate Questions

Directions: Rewrite the following sentences with any corrections that you make.

1. Our set of forks are for sell in the auction.

2. Jimmy, and Lucy have went to the movies, but left me at home.

3. Mr. Smith choosed Roxanne and I for student council.

4. Where you at?

5. His Mother told George, and I to stay home yet we decided to go anyways. 

Debate Questions

1.       What would you do within the first year of your presidency? What does America look like when you are president?
2.       As of 8:00 this morning, the national debt was over $20.6 trillion. How do you propose to balance the budget? Will this be a priority of your administration?
3.       If you could do one thing as president to assist the economy, what would that be?
4.       The rate of joblessness has dropped over the past six years; what will you do as president to continue this trend?
5.       The environment in Washington has been toxic for nearly a decade with those in different political parties typically choosing to argue with one another instead of trying to work together. This has led to the shutdown of the government multiple times. How can you as a president help improve the climate of Washington?
6.       There are parts of Affordable Care Act of 2010 that have helped many people pay for healthcare that could not afford it before; there are other parts of Obamacare that are hurting the economy and making health insurance unaffordable for many Americans. Is there anything you would do to Obamacare as president?
7.        What is the best solution for an unwanted pregnancy?
8.       What is your solution for the illegal immigration problem?

9.       In 2014 alone, there were close to 50,000 gun related incidents. Of those, only 3% are self-defense related. Since 1992, there have been close to 400 school shootings. Children ages 5-14 in America are 13 times more likely to be murdered with guns as children in other industrialized countries. Do you believe that the United States has a gun problem?

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