Tuesday, December 12, 2017

12.12-Bell-ringer and Tasks

Bell-ringer: Directions- write an original sentence for each of the words below. Make sure your sentences are at least ten words long.

1. emulate- v. to try to equal; to imitate

2. enamored- v. (adj.) to be fill with love

3. encumber- v. to impede or hinder; to delay

4. engross- v. to hold completely (when referring to people’s attention)

5. enigma- n. a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence; a riddle

Campaign Tasks

1. Finish the five posters (three for 5th period) due tomorrow. Review the instructions for these posters from last Monday. 

2. Finish the two position statements due tomorrow. Review the instructions for these position statements from last Monday. 

3. Research the illegal slave trade that is occurring in Libya. Determine how your candidate would respond to this crisis if s/he was elected president. Would they be a war-hawk and go into Libya with American troops (which inevitably will cost a lot of money and stir up much unrest in that part of the world)? Would your candidate promise to work with international organizations (like the United Nations and the African Union) to address this crisis (leading some to believe that your candidate would move slowly to address this pressing matter)? Would your candidate send "thoughts and prayers" but nothing else because we have our own problems? Is there a deeper problem than the slave trade? Be prepared to give a 60 second spoken statement this afternoon. Remember, your candidate is running for president, and anything s/he says will affect how the public perceives your candidate. 

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