Monday, December 11, 2017

12.11-Bell-ringer and Campaign Tasks


1. The toddler tried to emulate his father; he even put on a tie like his dad.

2. Lucas is completely enamored with Leah; he basically worships the ground she walks on.

3. Fallen branches and heavy boulders encumbered the traveler’s journey.

4. Her angelic singing engrossed the audience for many hours.

5. My brother is talented at solving enigmas; the Sphinx’s riddle is his favorite.

Campaign Tasks 
1. This afternoon, someone from your group will be giving the candidate's announcement speech. Look at previous posts for instructions. Fifth period will give the speeches at the end of class

2. Five final campaign posters will be due Wednesday. Look at previous posts for  instructions. 

3. Two position statement articles are due by Wednesday. Look at last Monday's post for information regarding these. 

4. Create a 60-second commercial advertising your candidate. This commercial should focus on persuading undecided voters to vote for your candidate. This can be done using any combination of ethos, pathos, and logos arguments. Since this is a political campaign, the commercials can either be positive (highlighting your candidate's accomplishments and ideas), negative (attacking another candidate), or a mixture of both.  You will be turning in a script before presenting your final product. Since the candidates are fictitious, anyone in the group can portray the candidate for the commercial. Due Monday. 

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