Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Argumentative Essay: Introduction

I.               Start with a hook (fact, quote, anecdote, or hypothetical question)
a.     Add analysis hook if necessary
b.     Use a sentence to transition from the hook to the rest of the paragraph
II.              Write two to three sentences of general background information
a.     Do not provide facts that you will be using later in the essay to avoid repetitiveness
b.     This is just to set the stage for the rest of your essay
III.            Write the thesis: The topic + opinion + three supporting details from body of essay

Introduction Example: The following is an example of an introduction for an essay arguing that smoking is a dangerous and harmful habit.

After 38 rounds of chemotherapy, countless surgeries, and decades of a persistent cough, Shawn wished he could have a conversation with his 14-year-old self. Within this dialogue, the 44-year-old would explain that his desire to conform to his peers was not worth the hole that now adorns his neck. Shawn’s experience with smoking is not unique.  As of 2015, over 15% of the American population was active smokers. Additionally, more than 16 million Americans are afflicted with a smoking-related disease. Smoking is a disgusting habit that affects the smoker, those in proximity to the smoker, and the world at large.


Bell-ringer: Write an original sentence for the following words. You sentences should be creative, interesting, and at least ten words long.

1. petulant- adj. unwilling to wait; impatient
2. philanthropist-n. one who does good for humanity
3. phlegmatic- adj. not easily motivated to act
4. pinnacle- n. the peak of something
5. pios- adj. extremely religious

Argumentative Essay Rubric

(Below Mastery)

~Author employs an effective hook
~Transitions from the hook to general information
~The thesis statement effectively include all necessary components
~Author uses a hook, through it is not interesting
~There are attempts at tranistions, but it is choppy
~The thesis statement includes all necessary components

~ Author attempts to use a hook
~ Ideas are not coherently presented
~The thesis statement lacks necessary components

~There is no hook
~Ideas are not coherently presented
~There thesis statement lacks necessary components

~Strategically organizes reasons and evidence logically
~~Includes formatting (i.e., topic and conclusion) that enhances the connections.
~Organizes reasons and evidence logically
~Includes basic formatting (i.e., topic sentences) to aid in comprehension
~Organizes the reasons and evidence clearly
~Includes basic formatting (i.e., topic sentences) to aid in comprehension
~Limited or no organizing of reasons or evidence
~Unclear or illogical reasoning
~Basic formatting may be missing (i.e., topic sentences)

~Thoroughly supports claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible,cited sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text
~Throughly presents and refutes the opposing point-of-view

~Supports claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text
~Presents and refutes the opposing point-of-view

~Superficially support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text
~SuperficiallyPresents and refutes the opposing point-of-view

~Fails to develop and/or support claim(s)

~Fails to address the opposing view


~Provides a meaningful and reflective conclusion that supports the argument presented by  rewording the thesis
~Closing statement returns to attention getter or wraps essay successfully
~Supports the argument presented by  rewording the thesis
~Closing statement returns to attention getter or wraps essay successfully
~The main ideas are copied almost word for word from the introduction
~May be missing a closing statement
~Main ideas are not stated
~Essay ends abruptly

~Purposefully uses a variety of sentence structures
~Demonstrates grade appropriate grammar understading with minimal to no errors
~Utilizes a precise and sophisticated word choice
~Uses active verbs; avoids passive verbs
~Uses varied sentence structures
~Demonstrates grade level appropriate conventions; errors are minor and do not obscure meaning
~Utilizes grade-level appropriate word choice
~Uses active verbs; utlizes passive verbs at times
~Uses correct and varied sentence structures
~Demonstrates grade level appropriate conventions; many minor errors but meaning is not obscured
~Utilizes appropriate word choice
~Demonstrates no understanding of passive and active voice verbs
~Does not demonstrate sentence mastery
~Demonstrates a limited understanding of grade level appropriate conventions and errors interfere with the meaning
~Utilizes incorrect and/or simplistic word choice
~ Demonstrates no understanding of passive and active voice verbs


Monday, February 19, 2018

2.19- Bell-ringer, spelling words

Directions: Write the sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. While my older sister is extremely patient, my younger sister is entirely petulant.
2. The philanthropist is known for donating money and helping the needy.
3. In the morning, I am phlegmatic and have no desire to start the day.
4. The senator hopes the pinnacle of her career is the presidency.
5. Because she never misses a church service, my grandmother is considered pious.

Spelling Words:
1. submarine
2. occasionally
3. excise
4. generous
5. supersede
6. infiltrate
7. accomplish
8. tuxedo
9. preliminary
10. unavoidable
11. vantage
12. mutation
13. conspicuous
14. procrastinate
15. manifesto

Friday, February 16, 2018


Write two paragraphs on the prompt below.

The year is 2068. What is the world like now? What kinds of technology are available? What is society like? What are every items like cars, houses, clothes like?

Argumentative Essay Research

Below are five topics for an argumentative essay. You will select one of these topics to research; however, no two people can have the same topic at each table.

For your topic, you will need to develop five arguments for each side of the topic. You are expected to write down your argument and then write down facts that support this argument.

For example: The topic is: which is better--cats or dogs?--

Argument: Dogs are more inclined to be loving companions. 

Facts: Dogs need human contact to survive, dogs will stay with their owner even after they die, dogs are more likely to come when called, cats will eat their owner if the owner has died. 

Since you are creating five arguments for each side of the topic, you will have TEN total arguments and sets of facts.

You will also need to write down each of your sources. This will be extremely important later on in the process.

Possible topics:
1. school uniforms
2. gun control
3. lowering the drinking age to 18
4. raising the minimum wage
5. year-round school

Thursday, February 15, 2018

2.15- Bell-ringer

Directions: Write the quote and then answer the questions that follow.

"There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope." -Bernard Williams

1. Put this quote into your own words.
2. When would this quote be most beneficial to remember?
3. Describe a time you encountered a problem or negative situation that you thought would never end. Didi it?


Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence for the words below. Your sentences should be creative, interesting, and at least ten words long.

1.    pare- to cut or remove something from the outside
2.     parricide- n. the murder of one's own parents
3.     peccable- adj. capable of sinning
4.     peccant- adj. guilty

5.     peddler- n. traveling salesperson

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

2.13- Bell-ringer

Bell-ringer: Rewrite the following sentences. Define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1.     You need to pare the thorns from the rose before gifting it.
2.     Lizzie Borden was charged with parricide after axing her parents.
3.     All humans are peccable, cable of singing.
4.     Lizzie was not found peccant and did not have to go to jail.

5.     Mom always sent away the peddler because she didn’t want to buy anything.